While in Greece, on our honeymoon in 1961, we went to Epidavros to hear Maria Callas sing a concert version of Medea. Even though our seats were in the top row, we could hear every note as the acoustics were so superb in that ancient Greek ruin. As we returned to our car, there she was in a full-length white ermine coat (in July!!! ) getting into a long black limousine with Onassis. Never forgot that lovely voice…or that white coat!!!
So when will I be able to read YOUR book?! With almost every missive I write, a fabulous story of yours comes out! I’m still laughing about your Thanksgiving memories overseas!! What a beautiful memory of seeing Callas sing Medea in Greece! I bet Nadia was backstage with her…and helped her put on that white coat! I will ask her…
Grazie tante, cara Patrizia. ❤️ I had a feeling that, in writing about my fear of the last chapter, it would write itself. Et voila! It’s a good start and I now know where to go from here. Now I’m actually excited about writing it! Avanti! Thank you, as always, for your lovely support!!
Yes it's hard to finish. But I know you are a closer (american baseball term). And you are working in such a beautiful space - with so many wonderful memories. You will finish. And you will be back to start those next chapters. Can't wait to read them all. You are fabulous!
Wow, 59?! Amazing! What were your top three favorites?! I only read 28 books this year -- because I was writing so much (and watching too many bad Netflix series, guilty as charged!)! I loved The God of the Woods, Pete and Alice in Maine, The Librarianist and Ilium. Thanks so much for your lovely words on my piece! xxS
Hardly a last chapter. To stop trying is to stop growing ... and that is just a plain stop. This is written from post-middle age, when every healthy day is rewarding. And by the way, I hated the Callas movie. Angelina Jolie a lousy actress who can always remember to pout, but never seems to be anyone other than Angelina Jolie. Callas, whoever she was, is lost.
I completely agree with you on both "to stop trying is to stop growing," and on Angelina as an actress. I resented how she portrayed Callas as a sullen femme fatale who looked hangry, quite frankly. I wanted to throw a carb-loaded carbonara at the screen to beef her up. Her best performance as an actress, IMHO, was in Girl, Interrupted. Otherwise, I think she should stick to roles like Lara Croft or Mrs. Smith.
I’ve found peace and humor in belonging to both, and feel enriched by my marvelous, muddled medley. Is that my conclusion? As simple as that? Yes… that’s it!!
I don't see why you need the last chapter. Go write the first of the second book than turn it as a flash forward dream. That's it. Think: the book is a journal - and it has to be continously. Baci
You are the best. I love this. I’m not scared to write it all out now, as this has given me the lily launch pad from which I can jump on to the next! My father reminded me that Mark Twain finished Huck Finn like this:
“The Conclusion in which nothing was concluded.” ❤️🥰😘
I wonder if you have already written your ending, you just don't see it yet?! And/or I read a great essay about endings recently that reduced it to three options: stay in the current time, go forward, or go back. I wonder if thinking about it in this way would help, too?! You got this! Bon Courage!
Yes, I had a feeling that in writing about the ending, I would reach it. If anything, this version is a good launch pad for where I need to go next. Now I know. I feel it, and I’m not scared to write it out. This community support helps so much. And to think, dear Anne, that all this first started in the first few essays I wrote for YOU! ❤️😘
Knowing where and how to end is a thing of mystery. I don't think its surprising to feel a bit "stuck" as you reach the finish line of a major long-term project. Our projects are "companions" of a sort. In my experience when you finish one, a certain melancholy breeze wafts through the days until the next one takes hold. Just remember when you let it fly, the space opens up for new inspiration and adventure. Congratulations!
I love this. A melancholy breeze. Yes, that’s exactly it. I often feel that too when we leave one post and move on to another. Thank you for being a subscriber, reading my work, and always writing me. Means the world to me! 🥰❤️😘
Sheila! Great missive and I cannot wait to hold the book in my hands. It is SOO hard to keep writing - especially what we perceive to be the last chapter - but , as your husband knows, there are so many still to come. It all flows - philosophically speaking. Good luck!
Your support moves me, Katharina, thank you so much! I hope to be able to autograph a book for you one day…from the Books Department to my own manuscript! Really hope our paths cross again soon one day! 🥰😘
Your support moves me, Katharina, thank you so much! I hope to be able to autograph a book for you one day…from the Books Department to my own manuscript! Really hope our paths cross again soon one day! 🥰😘
Thanks so much for your encouragement, Sally. Almost there! Knowing I have readers rooting for me helps immensely. Thanks for reading and pushing me to keep writing! ❤️
Wonderful missive! I am so excited to read this book and celebrate you! So interesting about Callas. I saw the movie and had similar feelings. I wonder how differently the story would be told if it came from a women's perspective rather than a man's.
Ah yes, as always, an interesting question. The director-writer team seems to have a reputation for stretching the truth in their biopic films…I prefer the truth over fiction! Miss you! Thanks for reading!
While in Greece, on our honeymoon in 1961, we went to Epidavros to hear Maria Callas sing a concert version of Medea. Even though our seats were in the top row, we could hear every note as the acoustics were so superb in that ancient Greek ruin. As we returned to our car, there she was in a full-length white ermine coat (in July!!! ) getting into a long black limousine with Onassis. Never forgot that lovely voice…or that white coat!!!
So when will I be able to read YOUR book?! With almost every missive I write, a fabulous story of yours comes out! I’m still laughing about your Thanksgiving memories overseas!! What a beautiful memory of seeing Callas sing Medea in Greece! I bet Nadia was backstage with her…and helped her put on that white coat! I will ask her…
This IS a last chapter. And a beautiful one. Summing up everything.
Grazie tante, cara Patrizia. ❤️ I had a feeling that, in writing about my fear of the last chapter, it would write itself. Et voila! It’s a good start and I now know where to go from here. Now I’m actually excited about writing it! Avanti! Thank you, as always, for your lovely support!!
Yes it's hard to finish. But I know you are a closer (american baseball term). And you are working in such a beautiful space - with so many wonderful memories. You will finish. And you will be back to start those next chapters. Can't wait to read them all. You are fabulous!
Aww, thank you, Marnie. Thank you for considering me a closer! 💪🩷almost there!
So excited to read your book! I always enjoy the pictures you paint with words. 🩷(and I read a lot lol, 59 books this year🙌)
Wow, 59?! Amazing! What were your top three favorites?! I only read 28 books this year -- because I was writing so much (and watching too many bad Netflix series, guilty as charged!)! I loved The God of the Woods, Pete and Alice in Maine, The Librarianist and Ilium. Thanks so much for your lovely words on my piece! xxS
I can’t wait to read it all, Sheila!
Thank you, my friend!xxS
Wow! I love this and I love you 🥰
AWW, I love you, too. Thanks so much for your constant support of my writing! Can't wait to see you soon in Rome! xxS
Hardly a last chapter. To stop trying is to stop growing ... and that is just a plain stop. This is written from post-middle age, when every healthy day is rewarding. And by the way, I hated the Callas movie. Angelina Jolie a lousy actress who can always remember to pout, but never seems to be anyone other than Angelina Jolie. Callas, whoever she was, is lost.
I completely agree with you on both "to stop trying is to stop growing," and on Angelina as an actress. I resented how she portrayed Callas as a sullen femme fatale who looked hangry, quite frankly. I wanted to throw a carb-loaded carbonara at the screen to beef her up. Her best performance as an actress, IMHO, was in Girl, Interrupted. Otherwise, I think she should stick to roles like Lara Croft or Mrs. Smith.
Well done Sheila, look forward to reading the book! I started watching the Callas movie on Netflix but ...
Thank you, dear Judy! I'm getting there, and you'll be one of the first to whom I send a copy...one day!
I’ve found peace and humor in belonging to both, and feel enriched by my marvelous, muddled medley. Is that my conclusion? As simple as that? Yes… that’s it!!
Ah ha, thank you!! ❤️
I don't see why you need the last chapter. Go write the first of the second book than turn it as a flash forward dream. That's it. Think: the book is a journal - and it has to be continously. Baci
You are the best. I love this. I’m not scared to write it all out now, as this has given me the lily launch pad from which I can jump on to the next! My father reminded me that Mark Twain finished Huck Finn like this:
“The Conclusion in which nothing was concluded.” ❤️🥰😘
I wonder if you have already written your ending, you just don't see it yet?! And/or I read a great essay about endings recently that reduced it to three options: stay in the current time, go forward, or go back. I wonder if thinking about it in this way would help, too?! You got this! Bon Courage!
Yes, I had a feeling that in writing about the ending, I would reach it. If anything, this version is a good launch pad for where I need to go next. Now I know. I feel it, and I’m not scared to write it out. This community support helps so much. And to think, dear Anne, that all this first started in the first few essays I wrote for YOU! ❤️😘
I can't wait to read it!
Knowing where and how to end is a thing of mystery. I don't think its surprising to feel a bit "stuck" as you reach the finish line of a major long-term project. Our projects are "companions" of a sort. In my experience when you finish one, a certain melancholy breeze wafts through the days until the next one takes hold. Just remember when you let it fly, the space opens up for new inspiration and adventure. Congratulations!
I love this. A melancholy breeze. Yes, that’s exactly it. I often feel that too when we leave one post and move on to another. Thank you for being a subscriber, reading my work, and always writing me. Means the world to me! 🥰❤️😘
Cant wait to read your book Sheila . You write so well and it will indeed be
a memorable tome and a joy to read it .
So interesting to read about Maria Callas too
Wishing you the ☘️ Best of Irish luck
Thank you so much, dear Aline. You have been a loyal reader since day one, and I’ll never forget that, thank you! On the home stretch! 😍😘
Sheila! Great missive and I cannot wait to hold the book in my hands. It is SOO hard to keep writing - especially what we perceive to be the last chapter - but , as your husband knows, there are so many still to come. It all flows - philosophically speaking. Good luck!
Your support moves me, Katharina, thank you so much! I hope to be able to autograph a book for you one day…from the Books Department to my own manuscript! Really hope our paths cross again soon one day! 🥰😘
Your support moves me, Katharina, thank you so much! I hope to be able to autograph a book for you one day…from the Books Department to my own manuscript! Really hope our paths cross again soon one day! 🥰😘
Go for it Sheila, you can do it xx
Thanks so much for your encouragement, Sally. Almost there! Knowing I have readers rooting for me helps immensely. Thanks for reading and pushing me to keep writing! ❤️
Wonderful missive! I am so excited to read this book and celebrate you! So interesting about Callas. I saw the movie and had similar feelings. I wonder how differently the story would be told if it came from a women's perspective rather than a man's.
Ah yes, as always, an interesting question. The director-writer team seems to have a reputation for stretching the truth in their biopic films…I prefer the truth over fiction! Miss you! Thanks for reading!