Pensavo proprio a voi, so che Israele e' una seconda casa e le foto sono bellissime, piene di bellezza ma anche di poesia. Siamo tutti sconvolti dagli ultimi avvenimenti, purtroppo questa guerra non finirà presto ed e' molto doloroso pensare a quelle famiglie straziate in modo selvaggio nei kibbutz, a quei ragazzi uccisi mentre ballavano, a tutti coloro che sono stati chiamati a combattere. Mi auguro che lo stato di Israele resista e che liberi la stessa Palestina dal cancro di Hamas.

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Grazie mille delle tue parole. Speriamo per un futuro che ci dara' piu' speranza.

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Dearest Sheila,

This post moved me to tears. Thank you for sharing your beautiful words and beautiful photos. May this Israel be the Israel that lives on, always. Praying for all who are in the midst of the devastation and horror. You help us all come back to the light. Much love, Clau

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Thank you for your kind words, Clau. May we all see peace in the near future. Lots of love to you and yours, Sheila

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For these last 4 days that we have been bombarded with nothing but words and pictures of unimaginable atrocities,horrors and suffering your article and photos have reminded us that there were other times in Israel which hopefully can return.

Your misive is such a touching thank you to Israel.

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Thank you for your kind words, dear Niki. I think of you often and love hearing from you. My parents are currently visiting Rome, and we hope to see Bambi this week. Naturally, we wish you were joining us! Sending you loads of love from all your fans in Rome. xxSheila

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Thank you for this very interesting post about your four years in Israel and the photos too especially after this shocking attack

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Thank you for your kind words, Aline. Always so lovely to hear from you.

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Dearest Sheila, your husband and Luca and Sofia..

Your blog moved me to tears.......thank you anyway! I am so grateful that our Israel gave you so much of the happy, positive and usually exciting vibe that is so characteristic for this country....we will come through at the other end again, but this is a terrible and unbearable time.

Luckily my immediate family is not called up.....but 300.000 are....and the support they get from the citizens is just moving, my children and grandchildren cook dinners and send it by volunteers to the soldiers etc.

All the best and thanks for moral support! Hope your voice is heard by many!!!Keep it up...

Love to all of you...Pia.....not Miss anymore! Now my private students call me Grandma Pia!

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Dearest Grandma Pia, what a lovely treat to hear from you. I am happy to know that you and your family are together and well. We think and pray for all of you daily. My small family will never forget all that the pre-school family did for us, and you were part of that magic. Know that we are aching for all of you, and longing to be with you and hug you strong. Love, Sheila

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What a lovely description of life in Israel. It reminds me of the photos and memories of my dad’s childhood In Beirut before the war. The Paris of the Mediterranean -- the country he loved where one could ski and swim in the same day! He describes what it was like to grow up around one of the greatest universities in the world that produced more peace makers than any other institution on the planet. Israel brutally bombed my dad’s country and has a great deal of blood on their hands too. I want to believe that suffering bring wisdom not to repeat the horrible atrocities of the past, but sadly Israel has been an apartheid state for too long. I do not support this recent violence nor is bloodshed ever the answer. I do know the way both the Israelis and international community has treated the Palestinians is unconscionable. When anyone or institution uses their power to hurt it repays with compound interest. Enough bloodshed and injustice now. Let’s learn from our mistakes and finally do the deep healing work necessary for peace in the ME, in our own countries and within our communities and families. With great power comes great responsibility. My message to Israel when this is over is from Dana Meadows: “you are special and precious. So is everyone else act accordingly.”

PS I am aware that by raising my voice for more balanced thinking in the ME that I will be bullied. It is not safe in the US to speak up for the rights of Palestinians and this in itself should give us all pause.

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Thank you, dear Celina, for sharing your thoughts with me. Open dialogue is crucial to moving forward, and I appreciate your words. My cousin spent many years living in Beirut and has fond memories similar to your father's. The world is an evermore confusing and complicated place, and I pray for the peace and liberation of all of those held hostage to violence and injustice. I believe that freedom of speech should always be a human right. If only words could be more powerful than weapons! We must write to make that so.

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Beautiful , Sheila. Thanks for giving us this lovely view of Tel Aviv… and your thoughts. We hope Peace will return soon.

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Thank you. 🙏 It is an atrocious time for this world. May peace prevail. Lots of love to you both. ❤️

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